Voice Controlled and Obstacle Avoidance Rover using Node and Arduino


1. Project Idea I have previously made a web-page controlled rover using Node.js, you can check it out here. So this time with some upgrade, I decided to make a “voice-controlled, obstacle avoidance rover”. 2. Project Aim To remotely control a rover by giving voice commands to it from a…

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Facts and Stats about Artificial Intelligence

 Artificial Intelligence is a technology with the potential to transform mankind. It has received a lot of focus and attention from investors in the last couple of years. Innovations and products based on Artificial Intelligence have captured the present market. Multi-National Companies are betting on AI as their customers are…

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7 reasons why digital marketing is the best method of advertisement


DIGITAL MARKETING sounds very technical, but though it sounds very technical, its way easy to implement and very effective also in today’s world. So what is DIGITAL MARKETING? In simple words, DIGITAL MARKETING is a marketing strategy which uses the same traditional business and marketing strategy, with the only difference…

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