Facts and statistics about Ajanta Ellora Caves

Facts and statistics about Ajanta Ellora Caves are worth your time. Having a history that narrates the uniqueness of its existence sounds indeed worth mentioning! This article will take you through all the facts and statistics about Ajanta Ellora caves… What are Ajanta Ellora Caves? Ajanta Ellora Caves stand for…

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Facts and Statistics about Mountains

facts and statistics about mountains

Facts and statistics about mountains aren’t only about their beauty and importance. Mountains are nature’s wonders! Imagine standing on top of a mountain’s peak and gawking at the breathtaking view… Trust me it’s a view you don’t wanna lose sight of. So, let me take you on a fascinating journey…

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Facts and statistics about Cricket

Facts and statistics about Cricket are essential as it’s a game that is a heartthrob for millions of its fans! And that too all around the world… Facts and statistics about Cricket Let’s start with the common ones, shall we? Cricket is an outdoor game. The indoor version of cricket…

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Facts and Statistics about Hampi

Facts and statistics about Hampi, display the beauty of this city that fated destruction, beyond repair. Location of Hampi City Located in the Southern parts of India, Hampi falls in the middle of Karnataka. The nearest airport to Hampi is 353 km in Bangalore. The nearest railway station is in…

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Facts and Statistics about atoms and particles

Firstly, to all the people out there who are thinking, “are atoms and particles the same?” Particles can be atoms, molecules, or ions while atoms are single neutral particles. That gets us to the beginning of facts and statistics about atoms and particles. Atoms and particles: is there a difference?…

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Facts and Statistics about Birds

facts and statistics about birds

Facts and statistics about birds are as beautiful as the creatures themselves. They are nature’s wonder that captivates attention with their pretty colors and enchanted songs. How many bird species are there? Almost 11,000 different and varied species. Which is the tallest bird in the world? The size of the…

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Facts and Statistics about Electricity

Electricity, defined through scientific facts According to Wikipedia, “Electricity is the set of physical phenomena associated with the presence and motion of matter that has a property of electric charge”. Electricity, defined through habitual facts Electricity, for you and me, is a part of our routine that we normally turn…

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Facts and Statistics about Pollution

Pollution as acknowledged by Wikipedia According to Wikipedia, “Pollution is the state or condition that occurs due to the increase in the concentration of a specific substance which in turn cause a drastic change in biological, chemical, and physical properties of the environment which have a negative effect on various…

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Facts and Statistics about Yoga

Facts and statistics about yoga are well-researched topics as people around the globe are slowly stepping into the zone of it for various purposes. Historically, the derivation of the word ‘Yoga’ is from the Sanskrit root ‘Yuj‘ meaning ‘to join’ or ‘to yoke’ or ‘to unite.’ The particular saying in,…

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