Facts and statistics about yoga are well-researched topics as people around the globe are slowly stepping into the zone of it for various purposes.
Historically, the derivation of the word ‘Yoga’ is from the Sanskrit root ‘Yuj’ meaning ‘to join’ or ‘to yoke’ or ‘to unite.’ The particular saying in, The Bhagavad Gita says, “Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.”
Since its onset, yoga is known for its disciplinary practices has spread its branches throughout the globe, through various forms and practices that are not only believed widely but are also accepted with an open mind and with extended hands.

Lord Shiva in the yoga posture
YOGA has its origin in India!
As stated earlier, the word Yoga hails its existence from the Sanskrit language which means ‘union’ and thus makes its origin known from the country of spices, India. It’s said to be over 5,000 years old with its postures called ‘asanas’ among which 84 asanas are generally accepted and followed worldwide.
Lord Shiva, practiced as a pure form of healing is the ultimate lord of yoga. India had the largest yoga class, and it involved participants who were more than 1 lakh in number.
The International Yoga Day: When Who and Why?
The inaugural of the International Yoga day was officially marked on 21st June 2015, with its continual celebration held every year.
The man behind the initiative or one who proposed the suggestion is the recent Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi who stated in his speech on 27th September 2014, at the UNGA, “It is not about exercise but to discover the sense of oneness with yourself, the world and the nature…. Let us work towards adopting an International Yoga Day.” As the draft was certified by 177 member states of UNGA it was declared worldwide thus marking its acceptance by people regardless of their race, religion, belief, and gender
In the Northern Hemispherical region, June 21st is considered the longest day. It’s also considered culturally significant in different parts of the world and that’s the exact reason for choosing it.
Themes previously accompanied on International Yoga Day…
2015- Yoga for Harmony and Peace, 2016- Yoga for the achievement of the Sustainable, 2017- Yoga for Health, 2018- Yoga for Peace, 2019- Yoga for Heart, 2020- Yoga at Home and Yoga with Family, 2021- Yoga for Wellness. The year 2022 has reportedly aimed to follow the theme of, ‘Yoga for Well-Being’.

Fact: Yoga comes with its benefits
YOGA comes with its benefits…
Counting from boosting one’s immune system to delaying one's age, it has several benefits that include reduction in: depression, anxiety, stress, muscle pain, heart diseases, weight loss, OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), and several others which makes yoga a good as well as an important activity in our life. It also helps to improve the conditions of Schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s diseases and is adamant to bless a practitioner with good night sleep that helps a person with their mental health.
The popular yoga presently is laughter yoga, laughing for absolutely no reason helps in releasing stress and depression of day-to-day life.
Common facts about YOGA which are not so common…
The male and the female practitioners are termed with significant titles. Male yoga practitioners are often called ‘Yogis’ and female, ‘Yoginis’. Yoga is a disciplined practice but one doesn’t always have to follow instructions. Recently, the practitioners are allowed to practice whichever pose they enjoy and whenever they want to, regardless of the exact time it should be done.

Fact: Yoga can be practiced by anyone and everyone
Who are the practitioners of yoga? Kids, millennials, or adults?
Globally, 72% of yoga practitioners are women. Yoga as a whole consists of more than 100 styles with people aged between 30 and 49 years, seen to be more active than the millennials.
According to the data collected, rates of adults above 50 years are been rising too, along with children who imitate their parents or grandparents. Nearly, 50% of yoga practitioners are vegetarians as compared to the ones who are not. To answer the question, ‘what age group is suitable to practice yoga?’ the answer is anyone and everyone. No matter what age group you fall under or what gender you are, you can practice yoga.

Fact: Yoga has spread in the market
YOGA has spread its legs in the market!
With the growth alongside the variety of registered yoga schools, there’s an increase in professional selections too. The yoga industry weighs more than $84 billion worldwide with Japan having 41.3% of it and continuing chasing the speed of the US that holds an account of 56%, followed by Germany that is on 10% and further trailed by Beijing and several others. The yoga industry has spread its branches in marketing with an introduction of some yoga equipment such as yoga mats, breathable clothing (leggings, yoga pants, etc.), small towels, yoga straps, blankets, and several others.
The age group involving 25 to 35 highly spends on activewear. It’s followed by the yoga classes that are held in both online and offline methods, apps that are precisely run for yoga, personal trainers for individual practitioners, several YouTube channels that have sprung along with people and influencers spreading yoga on social platforms such as- Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and many more.
Amazon alone has announced an amount of $11.56 billion in yoga marketing in the year 2021 and has predicted to grasp $15.2 billion by 2026.
Mind you, yoga is not a religion!
Although yoga isn’t a faith but has a deep connection with Hinduism as it is originated in India, and many asanas depict the deities revered in yogic and Hindu culture. Surely, yoga has its roots in relation to religion, but it is not a religion in itself. It is a practice of spirituality.
Categorized under the branch of science, it is an extension of psychology and philosophy. Yet, there are a number of religions that are against the practice of yoga and have raised their objection.

Fact: Yoga leads the way to spirituality
Yoga is not only a way to exercise, but its footsteps lead to spirituality once a practitioner succumbs to it. As said earlier, yoga is for everyone, and it is downward wrong to say that, ‘yoga is not for everyone. It has stretched itself from physical grounds to virtual platforms and is growing rapidly with several yogis stretching themselves from the largest peaks of the highest mountains to sitting on comfortable chairs in workplaces.