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Facts and Statistics about Flowers
What is Flower? A flower is a reproductive structure of plants. The main function of a flower is to effect reproduction in plants by providing a mechanism for the union of eggs with sperm. Many Flowers have evolved throughout the years to be attractive to animals to make them act as vectors for the transfer…

Facts and Stats about Mobile Phones
Mobile Phones have become one of the most important parts of our life. We are addicted to them, our day starts with them. They have made our lives simple and helped us in many ways. We don’t leave home without Mobile Phones, but how much do we actually know about them and their history. Let’s…

Facts and Statistics about Magnetism
What is a magnetic pole? Magnetism is the invisible force that draws together some metals, such as iron and steel, or pushes them apart. This force is especially strong at each end of the magnet. These two powerful ends are called poles. One is called the north (north-seeking) pole, because if the magnet is suspended…

Facts and Stats about Mars
Space exploration has always been the area of maximum interest by Mankind. People always fascinates about exploring the unknown. Mars our neighboring planet has always interested many scientists to discover and explore the mysteries of this red planet. Humans have sent dozens of spacecraft to study this mysterious planet. Many Space Agencies are aiming for…

Facts and Statistics about Trains
Trains are locomotive which is used from an early age for transportation. They have transformed the era of transportation. When the modern world encountered with industrialization, trains were used as the main mode to transport goods and services. It is a vehicle which runs on tracks. It is normally attached to many other different units.…
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Facts and stats about FIFA world cups
Why Sales-force Lead Object Is Essential for Success in Sales and Marketing
Facts and Stats about Internet usage worldwide 2018

First of all, what is internet? In simple terms, internet is a network of networks which is supported by several internet protocols for reliable transmission of information from one node( computer ) to another node. The Internet is a global system of interconnection between computers that use Internet protocol suite…
Facts and statistics about Languages spoken in the world
Facts and stats about cities, landmarks and capitals
6 WordPress plugins every website should have

WordPress is the world’s most popular content management system, which powers 28% of the websites available on the internet, which is really a very very huge number. There are millions of websites available on the internet, out of which 28% are made with WordPress and this number is constantly increasing.…
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