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Facts and Stats about Roads, Trains and Transport
When did the first trains run? Horse-drawn railway wagons had been used to haul coal, ore, and stone from mines and quarries since the 16th century, but the first passenger railway was opened by George Stephenson in the north of England in1825. Its locomotives were powered by steam. People rode standing in open carriages.…
Facts and Statistics about Trains
Trains are locomotive which is used from an early age for transportation. They have transformed the era of transportation. When the modern world encountered with industrialization, trains were used as the main mode to transport goods and services. It is a vehicle which runs on tracks. It is normally attached to many other different units.…
Facts and stats about the planets of our Solar System
Which planet is called the evening star? Venus reflects sunlight so well that it shines like a star. But because it is quite close to the sun, we can see it in the evening, just after the sun sets that is why it is also called as Evening Star. We can also able to see…
Facts and Statistics about Earth’s history
How is Earth’s history divided up? Scientists divide the last 590 million years of Earth’s history into three main eras: the Paleozoic (meaning “old life”) era, the Mesozoic (“middle life”) era, and the Cenozoic (“new life”) era. The eras are subdivided into periods, and some periods are further divided into epochs. The first period…
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