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Facts and Statistics about Earth’s history
How is Earth’s history divided up? Scientists divide the last 590 million years of Earth’s history into three main eras: the Paleozoic (meaning “old life”) era, the Mesozoic (“middle life”) era, and the Cenozoic (“new life”) era. The eras are subdivided into periods, and some periods are further divided into epochs. The first period…

Facts and statistics about Michael Jackson
Facts and statistics about Michael Jackson are important to know because he was the flame that changed the face of pop culture altogether! The 90s was the golden era of music that still remains evergreen. Amongst this, a name emerged that not only turned the shape of music but it led to a rapid…
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Facts and Stats about Computers
Facts and Stats about Snakes and Lizards
Facts and Stats about Ancient Egypt
How to Use SEO in Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Most people today know that Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is critical to having a successful on-line business. What they may not know is exactly how to use it in their marketing plan. Incorporating strategically chosen keywords, with valuable content, can dramatically increase your world-wide-web presence, and ultimately, your bottom line.…
Facts and Stats about Roads, Trains and Transport
Facts and Stats about the Sun
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