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Facts and statistics about Subhash Chandra Bose
Facts and statistics about Subhash Chandra Bose speak of him as a respected leader of India’s independence movement. Birth of Subhash Chandra Bose 23rd January 1897 The respected leader of India’s independence movement was born in Cuttack, Odisha. Living the Indian legacy of having a vast family, he was the 9th child out of…

Facts and Stats about Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence is a technology with the potential to transform mankind. It has received a lot of focus and attention from investors in the last couple of years. Innovations and products based on Artificial Intelligence have captured the present market. Multi-National Companies are betting on AI as their customers are fascinated by all of the…

Facts and Stats about GOOGLE
Google in the present world is much more than a search engine. Its success and reach in the modern world are incomparable to other search engines. It was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were a Ph.D. research student at Stanford. The journey of Google from a research paper to a tech…

Facts and stats about cities, landmarks and capitals
Who built the first cities? Towns and cities began to develop when humans stopped being hunters and learned farming which meant to be staying in one place. The first cities were built in southwest Asia. Çatalhöyük in Turkey has begun about 9,000 years ago. Why landmarks useful in a city? Every city has beautiful and…

Facts and Stats about Human Brain
The Human Brain is the command center and the most important part of our body. We breathe, think, remember, reason and learn all with the help of Brain. Thus the importance of Brain cannot be denied in the human body yet it takes only a fraction of space. It receives a signal from the sensory…
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Facts and Stats about DUBAI
Facts and Stats about Mobile Phones
Facts and Stats about the Taj Mahal
Facts and Stats about Burj Khalifa
Facts and Stats about Guitars

The Guitar is a stringed instrument or chordophones which produce sounds from vibrating strings. Guitar has frets for finger placements and generally has six strings. It is played with both hands by simultaneously fretting various chords on one hand, while on the other hand plucking strings with a guitar…
Facts and Stats About Human DNA

What is DNA? DNA full form is Deoxyribonucleic Acid is long double spiral molecule that can be found inside every living cell and carry the genetic instructions used in the development, functioning, growth, and reproduction of all known living organisms and viruses. The specialty of DNA is that it can make an identical copy of itself which…
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