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Facts and Statistics about Earth’s history

How is Earth’s history divided up? Scientists divide the last 590 million years of Earth’s history into three main eras: the Paleozoic (meaning “old life”) era, the Mesozoic (“middle life”) era, and the Cenozoic (“new life”) era. The eras are subdivided into periods, and some periods are further divided…
Facts and Statistics about Flowers
Facts and Statistics about Shree Jagannath Temple, Puri
Facts and Statistics about Trains

Trains are locomotive which is used from an early age for transportation. They have transformed the era of transportation. When the modern world encountered with industrialization, trains were used as the main mode to transport goods and services. It is a vehicle which runs on tracks. It is normally attached…
Facts and stats about Facebook
Facts and Stats about Amazon Company

Amazon Inc. is undoubtedly the best e-commerce company in the world. It is the one-stop destination of everything a customer needs online. The company is famous for its quick and effective delivery system across the world. It offers the best customer services and has a wide range of products. Amazon…
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