Voice Controlled and Obstacle Avoidance Rover using Node and Arduino


Node Rover 2

1. Project Idea

I have previously made a web-page controlled rover using Node.js, you can check it out here. So this time with some upgrade, I decided to make a “voice-controlled, obstacle avoidance rover”.

2. Project Aim

To remotely control a rover by giving voice commands to it from a mobile web-page and to detect and stop automatically as soon as it faces any obstacle.

3. Prerequisite

You need to have some basic knowledge of Node, socket programming, and L298 Motor Driver working.

4. Requirements

  • 1 Arduino Uno
  • 1 L298 Motor Driver
  • HC-05 Bluetooth Module
  • HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor
  • Jumper Wires
  • 2 Battery – 9 volts each
  • 2 gear Motors (6-9 volts)
  • 2 compatible wheels
  • Chassis
  • Computer with Node.js installed for our server.


5. Building The Rover




A technical geek and an aspiring entrepreneur with lots of innovation trapped within. The common thing between my dreams and innovation is that they both are big.

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