Facts and stats about Facebook

Facebook is the largest social media platform in the world. Its astronomical growth in the user base makes it one of the most successful social network worldwide. With the help of Facebook, we are connected to the entire world at every time. Our friends, family, and relatives are all connected with each other on it. Every online user in this world has heard the name of this social media platform. Many of us have been active users for years. The journey of the company which made its CEO the youngest self-made billionaire is worth mentioning. We all have used or heard about facebook but are you aware of some fascinating facts about it which makes it so unique. 


The Journey started in Havard 

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg was a student of prestigious Havard University. He first founded Facemash which was used to compare two pictures. It compiled two pictures online and placed them next to each other. The students were asked to choose the ‘hotter’ person in the picture. The Facemash was a big hit as it had 22,000 photo views by 500 visitors in just four hours. This success of Facemash resulted in the foundation stone of worlds most popular social media platform.




File Sharing was its early function

We all have used Facebook for connecting with people. But one of the earliest features of this social media platform was to share file among each other. This service was known as Wirehog. It was a friend-to-friend file sharing service. It was developed with Facebook. Wirehog was an integral FB feature and was promoted with the aim to be as successful as FB. Due to privacy and piracy concerns and very less popularity it was brought down by FB.


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It’s Awesome to Like 

One of the coolest features in Facebook is the Like button. We all love to show how much we adore our friends and family by liking their pictures. But it was not how it all started. Andrew Bosworth and his team were excited to introduce the Awesome button to the social media platform users. The name Awesome was changed to ‘LIKE’ by Mark Zuckerberg in 2007. Thus it is from Awesome to Like the coolest feature was introduced.


Tired of normal Facebook

If you and your friends are tired of normal facebook communication in English lets have some fun. It provides the user to switch to “English Pirate” from the language drop-down menu. This feature changes your normal English in Pirates language. Here your Home Page becomes your own “Home Port”. The normal FB is turned into “Ye olde Facebook” in honor of you. Your activity log now becomes “Scour the Ship’s Records.” This fun, an interesting feature is easy to find. If you can no longer manage your Pirates life it’s very easy to switch back into normal.

Why Facebook is all BLUE?

We all have used Facebook, and we all know about the dominance of Blue color in FB. But the question is why so much Blue? The color scheme choice is not based on any algorithmic or coding reason nither it is random. There is a valid reason to choose Blue. Mark Zuckerberg the founder of FB is color-blind to red and green. Thus for Zuckerberg blue is the richest and warmest color. The blue color also reflects trust and security. When users private information is at stake these are the two most important things. So the all Blue scheme of Zuckerberg was implemented and now this company has become the largest Social Media Platform worldwide. 


Facebook and Controversy

Since the social media platform was launched it has encountered many infamous controversies. It is always a topic of hot debate whether the idea behind Facebook was stolen. There are many claims in this matter referring to what actually happened. The “Social Network” a Hollywood blockbuster also provides some information about this infamous truth of Social Media Giant. In the year 2008 when FB was climbing the height of success, it was hit with a lawsuit from the Winklevoss twins. 

 The two twins Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss sued the founder of Facebook. They claimed that Mark Zuckerberg has used their agreement to innovate and design his company. In a nutshell, the lawsuit questioned Zuckerberg for the originality of his idea behind FB. The lawsuit was tackled immediately by FB and they were eventually able to settle it in an agreement. The Winklevoss twins were given $20 million plus $45 million worth of Facebook stock in the year 2008. The worth of total stocks has increased exponentially because of the success of FB.


The Facebook Ecosystem

Facebook’s ecosystem consists of different types of Applications. These applications may be messaging based or visual based. It is also spending on Virtual Reality like any other Tech Giant. The journey of this social media platform begins with providing its users a possibility to stay connected every time. But it has come a long way since then. Now Facebook has a number of applications to attract its users and they are all combined with world-class technologies. 

Its messaging apps include WhatsApp and Messanger which have there own user base. The visual app Instagram is the most popular photo viewing app. The virtual reality technology Oculus is also part of its ecosystem. The ecosystem of different apps developed by FB results in its market domination. Thus we are always a part of its ecosystem even if we are not using Facebook.


Current Facebook Statistics

It generates more than $1.4 million of revenue every hour out of which 73% comes from mobile advertising.

Facebook is accessed more by mobile phone (around 79%) thus it has 745 million daily mobile users.

It is still growing at an exponential rate. FB adds approx 8 people every second.

Hacking attempts on FB accounts is increasing day by day. More than 600,000 hacking attempts are made every day.

If you are thinking of settling in China sleep over it. Alongside many other things, FB is banned in China since 2009.

The reach of FB is not limited to US and Canada anymore, it has active users worldwide. More than 86% of its active users are from Asia and Europe.

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